• Our Location
  • 16 W Main Street, Marlton NJ 08053

How It Works

Reduce the risk of fraud by a trusted third-party that collects, holds and only disburses funds when both Buyers and Sellers are satisfied.

Buyer and Seller agree to terms - Either the Buyer or Seller begins a transaction. After registering at PayAssurance.com, all parties agree to the terms of the transaction and contract and details are uploaded to PayAssurance.com platform.

Buyer sends funds to escrow account - The Buyer submits a payment by approved payment method to our secure Escrow Account, PayAssurance.com verifies the payment, the Seller is notified that funds have been secured 'In Escrow'.

Seller ships merchandise to Buyer - Upon payment verification, the Seller is authorized to send the merchandise and submit tracking information. PayAssurance.com verifies that the Buyer receives the merchandise.Buyer accepts merchandise - The Buyer has a set number of days approve release of funds (as agreed to in terms, pre-approved by Buyer and Seller). PayAssurance.com will then releases funds to the Seller from the Escrow Account. If a dispute arises, the funds our protected until there is resolution.